Sugar: An Ally to Cancer Growth
Sugar... We are possibly all victims to the addictions of sugar as it has been said to be just as addictive as cocaine. It is used in our...

Oppressive Ethnicity Facts & Cancer
As an African American, the ratio or probability of illness is important to me as it should be for others of that physical make-up and...

Who was the Quack Who Cured Cancer?
Harry Hoxsey was not a medical practitioner. But he was the young son of a rural Illinois veterinarian who used an herbal tonic and salve...

Bernie Sanders grills FDA head Robert Califf for KILLING PEOPLE for profits
We do not believe in usage of great amounts of pharmaceuticals but we do believe "where there's smoke there's fire". Bernie Sanders...

The 20 biggest cancer lies you've been brainwashed to believe by the criminal fraudsters who run
You've been taught all sorts of lies about cancer by the "cancer profiteers" -- the institutions, cancer doctors, oncology centers and...