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Cancer: Is a cure being sought?

The War On Cancer Is Declared!

We have been on the path to a “war on cancer” since the declaration of President Nixon in 1971 when the “National Cancer Act” was born. In the 1970s it was understood that the second-leading cause of death was cancer, hence the a fore mentioned declaration in 1971. With 46 years in the rear on this war we are still primarily treated by the AMA with the same tactics; chemotherapy, radiology, and surgery.

According the documentary Cancer: The Forbidden Cures, “20,000 people die of cancer every day. This translates to 8 Million deaths a year, half a million of which are Americans. At the beginning of the last century, one person out of 20 would get cancer. In the 1940's, it was one out of every 16 people. In the 1970s, one person out of 10. Today, one person out of 3 gets cancer in the course of their life. Over one million Americans are diagnosed with a new cancer every year.”

Currently, based on staggering CDC data “In 2014, the latest year for which incidence data are available, 1,596,486 new cases of cancer were reported, and 591,686 people died of cancer in the United States. For every 100,000 people, 437 new cancer cases were reported and 161 died of cancer.” Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States, exceeded only by heart disease. One of every four deaths in the United States is due to cancer.

Based on these numbers, cancer is spoken of in terms connected to being an epidemic. With that being the case why are there no public service announcements, forced changes in diet with the general public

“Faced with an apparently endless chain of medical tests, examinations, second opinions, medication, new tests, surgical operations, support therapies, and follow- up checks, they find themselves at the complete mercy of the disease. While in that tunnel, each patient feeds an immense medical apparatus that employs hundreds of thousands of people and generates millions and millions of dollars for the medical and pharmaceutical industries. From research laboratories, to medical schools. From prevention clinics to worldwide drug sales. Today, the cancer medical apparatus is so large and expensive that it needs its patients to survive just as much as the patients need the apparatus. ‘Cancer is a big business, one of the biggest businesses. The typical cancer patients spends at least 50 thousand dollars to treat his/ her disease. With 1 million new American Cancer patients every year, that translates to 50 billion dollars annually spent on cancer treatment in the United States.’” -Peter Barry Chowka, Science Writer.

For The Love Of Money, Who Can We Trust?

I remember as I saw my wife with the look of trust in her eyes while they administered more chemo cocktails to her. I also saw other patients with the same look in their eyes. All of us, desperate and unsuspecting of what could be happening or what was happening... Recently I learned the term Chemotherapy Concession, the process in which oncologists buy their own stock of drugs from the pharmaceutical companies and then mark up the cost for their patients. The chemotherapy concession is the source of approximately 65% of the revenue in a typical oncology practice dwarfing the income from evaluation and management.

"It is a unique situation in medicine: Unlike other kinds of doctors, cancer doctors are allowed to profit from the sale of chemotherapy drugs.

'The significant amount of our revenue comes from the profit, if you will, that we make from selling the drugs,' says Dr. Peter Eisenberg, a private physician who specializes in cancer treatment.

Doctors in other specialties simply write prescriptions. But oncologists make most of their income by buying drugs wholesale and selling them to patients at a marked up prices.'So the pressure is frankly on to make money by selling medications,' says Eisenberg. Ethicists see a potential for conflict of interest.

'They might have a preference to give you the one that they're going to make the most money from,' says Arthur Caplan with the University of Pennsylvania Center of Bioethics. Caplan also writes's Breaking Bioethics column." Now ask your yourself... Does your oncologist have your best interest at heart or their pockets? According to a New York Times article these oncologist get discounts as high as 86% from the pharmaceutical companies. Some have to pay higher co-pays, "in some cases, patients may even be paying a much larger co-payment for the drug than a cancer doctor is paying to buy it."

Light at the End of The Tunnel? Prophet Muhammad taught, “Every illness has a cure, and when the proper cure is applied to the disease, it ends it, Allaah willing.”

There are thousands of cures for cancer that already exist in the natural world and are being used every day all across the planet, outside the controlled monopolies of pharmaceutical medicine and toxic chemotherapy. Your body already knows how to cure cancer, It just needs the resources and avoidance of toxic chemicals to accomplish it. We will revisit many of these topics over time if Allaah Wills, but fortunately I would like to say that there are many cures and treatments that are being brought to the light by a grassroots movement of holistic and homeopathic doctors and advocates of natural treatments that cannot be patented by Big Pharma and distributed by the American Medical Association.

A comprehensive approach to healing cancer includes at least the following eight factors:

Regardless of the cancer's aggressiveness, the body will respond to this holistic approach - the speed and degree to which it does so is commensurate with the diligence and extent to which these eight factors are applied. No cancer treatment, conventional or otherwise, comes with an iron-clad guarantee; however, it's important to consider that orthodox treatments ravage the body and ignore the underlying causes while alternative treatments strengthen the body and address its healing requirements. Reason and logic side with alternative therapies. These guidelines are merely an overview of what a comprehensive holistic protocol would include. The term "cancer survivor" refers to those who have been diagnosed with the disease and are still alive – whether they are in remission or not. The cancer survivor should adopt as many of these strategies as is feasible, slowly incorporating them into one's lifestyle and working with a naturopath if necessary. A holistic healer can be located through the help of a reputable chiropractor, acupuncturist or other practitioner of the healing arts. A health food store may also provide contacts. It's useful to determine whether the body's chronic stressors include specific nutritional deficiencies, absorption problems and/or the burden of toxic heavy metals. This insight is possible through analysis of hair, urine or blood, and will help determine which supplements and therapies will enhance treatment. Without addressing these conditions, optimum healing may be delayed and or prevented.

1. Nutrition

Proper nutrition and pure filtered water is critical to a successful anti-cancer strategy. Diet alone can make or break the effectiveness of any cancer treatment and is therefore the most important strategic point. Knowing which foods feed cancer cells, which interfere with the treatment, and which assist in healing is vital. Refined sugar feeds and strengthens cancer cells and should be the first substance to be eliminated. Sugar substitutes, refined flour and trans fatty acids damage the body and numerous studies link them to cancer. Dairy and all mucus-forming foods should also be avoided. Processed foods, carbonated beverages, coffee, alcohol, chlorine and fluoride fall into the category of foods and substances that interfere with healing and may fuel the cancer's growth. Conversely, a diet of nutrient-rich foods will enhance all levels of the healing process. All plant foods contain nutrients that aid healing. Herbs, fruits and vegetables have properties that protect against and inhibit the proliferation of cancer while strengthening, cleansing and repairing the body. These include green leafy vegetables, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc.), sea vegetables, fruits (especially berries and dark grapes with seeds and skins), garlic, ginger, turmeric and green tea, among many others. A diet containing an abundance of organic plant foods provides layers of nutritional protection. Concentrated fats from flax oil and olive oil may be used unheated while coconut oil can be used for cooking. Although these healthy oils as well as fats from whole foods such as avocados, nuts and seeds provide the essential fatty acids necessary for oxygenation of cells, they should nevertheless be kept to a minimum (approximately 15% of diet) since fat slows digestion and in large quantities may accelerate tumor growth. Once the cancer is stabilized this restriction may be relaxed. Animal protein should be eliminated if possible; however, we are all of different constitutions, so for those who must consume flesh, it should be restricted to small amounts of organic, pasture-fed beef or poultry, and wild-caught fish. Beans and legumes are an excellent source of fiber and many important nutrients and may be consumed in moderation. While whole grains also contain fiber and nutrients, there is disagreement among experts as to their place in a healing diet. Due in part to their sugar and gluten content, and the digestive load they place on the body already burdened by cancer, they should be eliminated or restricted to gluten-free varieties, at least until the condition is stable. Likewise, natural sweeteners such as honey and maple syrup should also be restricted while cancer remains active. The herb stevia is a safe sweetener. The cancer survivor should aim for a diet that is at least 80% raw. This will ensure an alkaline environment as well as an ample supply of enzymes for healing processes. Oral supplementation of digestive enzymes with meals and systemic enzymes on an empty stomach will further aid healing.

2. Detoxification

Effective healing requires the removal of accumulated toxins and metabolic wastes. Being mindful to eliminate or minimize the ingestion of processed foods, substances, and environmental toxins that inhibit the healing process is of primary importance. It's also beneficial to begin a healing regimen with a cleanse of the kidneys, liver and colon to remove stored toxins. There are many effective cleansing formulas and procedures that can be found at health food stores, the internet, or through a holistic healer. In addition to consciously avoiding toxic exposure and cleansing the organs of elimination, there are various therapies and practices that will help purify the body. Some include daily stretching to release acids from tissues; rebounding on a mini-trampoline to move lymph fluid, flush waste, and increase the number and activity of white blood cells; perspiring in a sauna to purge toxins through the skin; juicing to alkalize and cleanse tissues, and castor oil packs to enhance circulation, stimulate the immune system and aid in detoxification. Toxic build-up can also be released through fasting, which helps to heal and rejuvenate the body. The practice of coffee enemas should also be considered since it prevents the reabsorption of toxins, cleanses the blood and liver, and counteracts the symptoms of a potential healing crisis. To be clear on how to proceed with a fast or enema it may be necessary to speak with a health care professional.

3. Immune System Building

The immune system is our body's natural defense against harmful substances and abnormal cell development. Any cell within the body can mutate in response to negative stressors, but a healthy immune system will stop its growth and defend against an uncontrollable malignancy. There are various groups of white blood cells that possess an innate intelligence for healing. Their functions include identifying, attacking, destroying and finally removing abnormal cells through the body's lymph system and organs of elimination. Strategies to strengthen and build these natural defenses to prevent or treat cancer include a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods and supplementation. Chlorella, mushroom extracts, aloe vera, and milk thistle are just a few of the many supplements that strengthen the body's natural defenses.

4. Oxygen

The more toxic the body, the less oxygen is delivered to cells. Oxygen starvation at the cellular level leads to disease; in fact, it's an undisputed fact that cancer cells cease to grow when blood and tissues are sufficiently oxygenated. There are many ways to oxygenate the body, including a highly alkaline diet (80% raw). This raises the body's internal PH which enhances the transport of oxygen to cells. Regular exercise, deep breathing, and adequate consumption of pure water are other simple methods to increase oxygen uptake. Ozone, which is activated oxygen, may be used therapeutically in the home by drinking ozonated water and using ozone saunas. Hospitals in Mexico, Europe and Malaysia administer intravenous ozone infusions with great success. There are also clinics in the United States; however, they operate under threat of FDA reprisal and confiscation of ozone equipment. For more information about oxygen therapies and ozone visit ( , ( , and ( .

5. Natural Chemo Therapies

There are many natural, non-toxic chemo therapies that directly or indirectly kill malignancies. None of them are stand-alone treatments however, and should be considered as one component of a comprehensive protocol. Amygdalin, also known as laetrile or vitamin B17, selectively targets and destroys cancer cells while healthy cells remain unharmed. The substance is naturally occurring in many plant foods, including apple seeds, bitter almonds and apricot pits, and may also be obtained through oral supplements or administered intravenously. Four decades worth of clinical evidence and case studies attest to its efficacy. Supplements may be found online, and many hospitals in Mexico and Europe administer intravenous laetrile; however, the FDA has deemed this therapy illegal in the States. Other treatments that indirectly kill cancer cells include shark liver oil, shark cartilage and melatonin, all of which cut off the blood supply to tumors.

6. Lifestyle Changes

Deep, restful sleep is an important part of an effective healing strategy. During sleep our bodies undergo the processes of rebuilding, detoxifying and healing. The liver works during the deepest level of sleep, the delta level, to break down and eliminate carcinogens. Additionally, sleeping in complete darkness contributes to healthy levels of melatonin, a hormone secreted by the pineal gland that promotes restful sleep. Eating three hours before sleep, especially protein, should be avoided since it diverts the body's healing efforts to digestion. The value of adequate sleep should not be overlooked because without it our healing efforts will be compromised. Other lifestyle changes include sunlight exposure and daily exercise. Research links lack of sunlight to certain cancers and vitamin D from sunlight has been shown to shrink tumors. Adequate exposure during the early morning or late afternoon hours is the safest way to obtain the restorative benefits of sunlight. The darker one's pigmentation, the more exposure is necessary. Avoid over-exposure during the hottest part of the day as sunburns can damage skin and promote cancer. Regular exercise speeds up the elimination of toxins and is necessary to keep the body oxygenated and to improve lymphatic function while building immunity. These therapeutic benefits can be achieved through moderate exercise at least three times per week and gradually increasing duration and/or intensity as new thresholds are reached. The body, through its resilience, will heal itself when given what it needs. Its sustenance however is not the end of the story. Addressing the mind and emotions is the second component of the holistic approach that should not be overlooked.

7. A Positive Attitude

Developing a positive attitude will reduce psychological stress and profoundly aid the healing process. A cancer survivor can achieve this in part by becoming proactive through researching alternative options. This is an empowering strategy and gives one a firm sense of control. There are innumerable books and websites that outline alternative cancer therapies. Each individual has the power to control their own thoughts and attitudes, thereby creating their reality. A constructive outlook perceives a cancer diagnosis as a necessary life-changing event and an opportunity to transform one's life.

In Closing

Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, Dr. Max Gerson, Harry M Hoxsey, and Alfredo Darrington Bowman (Dr. Sebi) and many others were blessed to be able to cure cancer by Allaah's Permission. It is the evil of men and their greed that has allowed the death of countless innocents using the name of medicine and the claim of protection of overall health of its citizens as a shield. When will we stand up? When will we fight and stop allowing the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) and the AMA (American Medical Association) from leading us and our loved ones like lambs to slaughter for an unfathomable amount of profit? I hope soon as we owe it to ourselves and our loved ones, when in the next decade they will be exposed to more environmental poisons and consume more than we can think of from foods etc.. and they will be left with the choice of being a lamb or a lion in he face of an oppressor; namely FDA and AMA. So lastly we implore everyone to research on your own and think outside the box for the cure and the prevention is real...


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